Setup social metatags renderingΒΆ

djangocms-blog implements django-meta and it come ready to provide a fairly complete social meta tags set.

Custom metatags are rendered on the blog post detail page only, while on the list page (which is a basically django CMS page) you can use djangocms-page-meta to render meta tags based on the django CMS page object.

In order to enable its rendering you must follow two steps:

  • Enable django-meta settings in the project

    META_SITE_PROTOCOL = 'https'  # set 'http' for non ssl enabled websites
    META_USE_GOOGLEPLUS_PROPERTIES=True # django-meta 1.x+
    META_USE_SCHEMAORG_PROPERTIES=True  # django-meta 2.x+
  • Include meta/meta.html in the head tag of the template used to render djangocms-blog.

    1. The recommended way is to include in your project base templates:

         <title>{% block title %}{% page_attribute 'title' %}{% endblock title %}</title>
         {% include "meta/meta.html" %}
    2. alternatively djangocms-blog base template provide a meta block you can place in your templates to only include meta.html for the blog posts:

         <title>{% block title %}{% page_attribute 'title' %}{% endblock title %}</title>
         {% block meta %}{% endblock meta %}
    3. If you are also using djangocms-page-meta use this base template to make the two packages interoperable:

      {% load page_meta_tags %}
      {% page_meta request.current_page as page_meta %}
         <title>{% block title %}{% page_attribute 'title' %}{% endblock title %}</title>
         {% block meta %}
         {% include 'djangocms_page_meta/meta.html' with meta=page_meta %}
         {% endblock meta %}

For complete social meta tags rendering, configure default properties (see BLOG_FB, BLOG_TWITTER, BLOG_GPLUS/BLOG_SCHEMAORG in Configuration) and apphook ones.