Django settings¶
List of settings that can be set in project django settings.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_ABSTRACT_CKEDITOR = True¶
Configuration for the CKEditor of the abstract field.
See for details.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_ADMIN_POST_FIELDSET_FILTER = False¶
Callable function to change (add or filter) fields to fieldsets for admin post edit form.
See Filter function for more details.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_ARCHIVE_PLUGIN_NAME = 'Archive'¶
Name of the plugin showing the blog archive index.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_AUTHOR_DEFAULT = True¶
: the current user is set as the default author;False
: no default author is set;any other string: the user with the provided username is used;
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_AUTHOR_POSTS_LIST_PLUGIN_NAME = 'Author Blog Articles List'¶
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_AUTHOR_POSTS_PLUGIN_NAME = 'Author Blog Articles'¶
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_AUTO_APP_TITLE = 'Blog'¶
Title of the
instance created by Auto setup.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_AUTO_BLOG_TITLE = 'Blog'¶
Title of the blog page created by Auto setup.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_AUTO_HOME_TITLE = 'Home'¶
Title of the home page created by Auto setup.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_AUTO_NAMESPACE = 'Blog'¶
Namespace of the
instance created by Auto setup.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_AUTO_SETUP = True¶
Enable the blog Auto setup feature.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_AVAILABLE_PERMALINK_STYLES = (('full_date', 'Full date'), ('short_date', 'Year / Month'), ('category', 'Category'), ('slug', 'Just slug'))¶
Choices of permalinks styles.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_CATEGORY_PLUGIN_NAME = 'Categories'¶
Name of the plugin showing the list of blog categories.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_CURRENT_NAMESPACE = 'djangocms_post_current_config'¶
Current post config identifier in request.
Name of the request attribute used in
to detect the current apphook namespace.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_CURRENT_POST_IDENTIFIER = 'djangocms_post_current'¶
Current post identifier in request.
Name of the request attribute used in
to detect if request match a post detail.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_DEFAULT_OBJECT_NAME = 'Article'¶
Default label for Blog item (used in django CMS Wizard).
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_DEFAULT_PUBLISHED = False¶
Default post published status.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_ENABLE_COMMENTS = True¶
Whether to enable comments by default on posts
does not ship any comment system, this flag can be used to control the chosen comments framework.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_ENABLE_SEARCH = True¶
) indexes.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_ENABLE_THROUGH_TOOLBAR_MENU = False¶
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_FB_APPID = ''¶
Facebook Application ID.
Default from
defined in django-meta settings.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_FB_AUTHOR = 'get_author_name'¶
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_FB_AUTHOR_URL = 'get_author_url'¶
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_FB_PROFILE_ID = ''¶
Facebook profile ID of the post author.
Default from
defined in django-meta settings.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_FB_PUBLISHER = ''¶
Facebook URL of the blog publisher.
Default from
defined in django-meta settings.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_FB_TYPE = 'Article'¶
Open Graph type for the post object.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_FB_TYPES = (('Article', 'Article'), ('Website', 'Website'))¶
Choices of available blog types.
Available values are defined in to
defined in django-meta settings.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_FEATURED_POSTS_PLUGIN_NAME = 'Featured Posts'¶
Name of the plugin showing the selected posts.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_FEATURED_POSTS_PLUGIN_NAME_CACHED = 'Featured Posts - Cache'¶
Name of the plugin showing the selected posts (cached version).
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_FEED_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600¶
Cache timeout for RSS feeds.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_FEED_INSTANT_ITEMS = 50¶
Number of items in Instant Article feed.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_FEED_LATEST_ITEMS = 10¶
Number of items in latest items feed.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_FEED_TAGS_ITEMS = 10¶
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_IMAGE_FULL_SIZE = {'crop': True, 'size': '640', 'upscale': False}¶
Easy-thumbnail alias configuration for the post main image when shown on the post detail; it’s a dictionary with
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_SIZE = {'crop': True, 'size': '120x120', 'upscale': False}¶
Easy-thumbnail alias configuration for the post main image when shown on the post lists; it’s a dictionary with
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_LATEST_ENTRIES_PLUGIN_NAME = 'Latest Blog Articles'¶
Name of the plugin showing the list of latest posts.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_LATEST_ENTRIES_PLUGIN_NAME_CACHED = 'Latest Blog Articles - Cache'¶
Name of the plugin showing the list of latest posts (cached version).
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_LATEST_POSTS = 5¶
Default number of post in the Latest post plugin.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_LIVEBLOG_PLUGINS = ('LiveblogPlugin',)¶
List of plugins implementing the Liveblog feature.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_MENU_EMPTY_CATEGORIES = True¶
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_MENU_TYPES = (('complete', 'Categories and posts'), ('categories', 'Categories only'), ('posts', 'Posts only'), ('none', 'None'))¶
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_META_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH = 320¶
Maximum length for the Meta description field.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_META_IMAGE_SIZE = None¶
Easy-thumbnail alias configuration for the post meta image; it’s a dictionary with
keys. Recommended values are {“size”: (1200, 630), “crop”: True, “upscale”: False}
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_META_TITLE_LENGTH = 70¶
Maximum length for the Meta title field.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_MULTISITE = True¶
Add support for multisite setup.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_PAGINATION = 10¶
Number of post per page.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_PERMALINK_URLS = {'category': '<str:category>/<str:slug>/', 'full_date': '<int:year>/<int:month>/<int:day>/<str:slug>/', 'short_date': '<int:year>/<int:month>/<str:slug>/', 'slug': '<str:slug>/'}¶
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_PLUGIN_MODULE_NAME = 'Blog'¶
Name of the djangocms-blog plugins module (group).
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_PLUGIN_TEMPLATE_FOLDERS = (('plugins', 'Default template'),)¶
(Sub-)folder from which the plugin templates are loaded.
The default folder is
.See Plugin Templates for more details.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_POSTS_LIST_TRUNCWORDS_COUNT = 100¶
Default number of words shown for abstract in the post list.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_POST_TEXT_CKEDITOR = True¶
Configuration for the CKEditor of the post content field.
See for details.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_SCHEMAORG_AUTHOR = 'get_author_schemaorg'¶
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_SCHEMAORG_TYPE = 'Blog'¶ type for the post object.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_SCHEMAORG_TYPES = (('Article', 'Article'), ('Blog', 'Blog'), ('WebPage', 'Page'), ('WebSite', 'WebSite'), ('Event', 'Event'), ('Product', 'Product'), ('Place', 'Place'), ('Person', 'Person'), ('Book', 'Book'), ('LocalBusiness', 'LocalBusiness'), ('Organization', 'Organization'), ('Review', 'Review'))¶
Choices of available types.
Default from
defined in django-meta settings.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_SITEMAP_CHANGEFREQ = (('always', 'always'), ('hourly', 'hourly'), ('daily', 'daily'), ('weekly', 'weekly'), ('monthly', 'monthly'), ('yearly', 'yearly'), ('never', 'never'))¶
List for available changefreqs for sitemap items.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_SITEMAP_CHANGEFREQ_DEFAULT = 'monthly'¶
Default changefreq for sitemap items.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_SITEMAP_PRIORITY_DEFAULT = '0.5'¶
Default priority for sitemap items.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_TAGS_PLUGIN_NAME = 'Tags'¶
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_TWITTER_AUTHOR = 'get_author_twitter'¶
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_TWITTER_SITE = ''¶
Twitter account of the site.
Default from
defined in django-meta settings.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_TWITTER_TYPE = 'summary'¶
Twitter Card type for the post object.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_TWITTER_TYPES = (('summary', 'Summary Card'), ('summary_large_image', 'Summary Card with Large Image'), ('product', 'Product'), ('photo', 'Photo'), ('player', 'Player'), ('app', 'App'))¶
Choices of available blog types for twitter.
Default from
defined in django-meta settings.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_TYPE = 'Article'¶
Generic type for the post object.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_TYPES = (('Article', 'Article'), ('Website', 'Website'))¶
Choices of available blog types.
Available values are defined in to
defined in django-meta settings.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_UNICODE_SLUGS = True¶
Allow unicode chars in auto-generated slugs.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_URLCONF = 'djangocms_blog.urls'¶
Standard Apphook URLConf.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_USE_ABSTRACT = True¶
Use an abstract field for the post.
no abstract field is available for posts.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_USE_FALLBACK_LANGUAGE_IN_URL = False¶
When displaying URL, prefer URL in the fallback language if an article or category is not available in the current language.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_USE_PLACEHOLDER = True¶
Post content is managed via placeholder
a HTMLField is provided instead.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_USE_RELATED = True¶
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_WIZARD_CONTENT_PLUGIN = 'TextPlugin'¶
Name of the plugin created by wizard for the text content.
- djangocms_blog.settings.BLOG_WIZARD_CONTENT_PLUGIN_BODY = 'body'¶
Name of the plugin field to add wizard text.
- djangocms_blog.settings.MENU_TYPES = (('complete', 'Categories and posts'), ('categories', 'Categories only'), ('posts', 'Posts only'), ('none', 'None'))¶
- djangocms_blog.settings.PERMALINKS = (('full_date', 'Full date'), ('short_date', 'Year / Month'), ('category', 'Category'), ('slug', 'Just slug'))¶
Permalinks styles.
- djangocms_blog.settings.PERMALINKS_URLS = {'category': '<str:category>/<str:slug>/', 'full_date': '<int:year>/<int:month>/<int:day>/<str:slug>/', 'short_date': '<int:year>/<int:month>/<str:slug>/', 'slug': '<str:slug>/'}¶
Permalinks urlconfs.
- djangocms_blog.settings.SITEMAP_CHANGEFREQ_LIST = (('always', 'always'), ('hourly', 'hourly'), ('daily', 'daily'), ('weekly', 'weekly'), ('monthly', 'monthly'), ('yearly', 'yearly'), ('never', 'never'))¶
List of changefreqs defined in sitemaps.
- djangocms_blog.settings.get_setting(name)¶
Get setting value from django settings with fallback to globals defaults.
- djangocms_blog.settings.params = {'BLOG_ABSTRACT_CKEDITOR': True, 'BLOG_ADMIN_POST_FIELDSET_FILTER': False, 'BLOG_ARCHIVE_PLUGIN_NAME': 'Archive', 'BLOG_AUTHOR_DEFAULT': True, 'BLOG_AUTHOR_POSTS_LIST_PLUGIN_NAME': 'Author Blog Articles List', 'BLOG_AUTHOR_POSTS_PLUGIN_NAME': 'Author Blog Articles', 'BLOG_AUTO_APP_TITLE': 'Blog', 'BLOG_AUTO_BLOG_TITLE': 'Blog', 'BLOG_AUTO_HOME_TITLE': 'Home', 'BLOG_AUTO_NAMESPACE': 'Blog', 'BLOG_AUTO_SETUP': True, 'BLOG_AVAILABLE_PERMALINK_STYLES': (('full_date', 'Full date'), ('short_date', 'Year / Month'), ('category', 'Category'), ('slug', 'Just slug')), 'BLOG_CATEGORY_PLUGIN_NAME': 'Categories', 'BLOG_CURRENT_NAMESPACE': 'djangocms_post_current_config', 'BLOG_CURRENT_POST_IDENTIFIER': 'djangocms_post_current', 'BLOG_DEFAULT_OBJECT_NAME': 'Article', 'BLOG_DEFAULT_PUBLISHED': False, 'BLOG_ENABLE_COMMENTS': True, 'BLOG_ENABLE_SEARCH': True, 'BLOG_ENABLE_THROUGH_TOOLBAR_MENU': False, 'BLOG_FB_APPID': '', 'BLOG_FB_AUTHOR': 'get_author_name', 'BLOG_FB_AUTHOR_URL': 'get_author_url', 'BLOG_FB_PROFILE_ID': '', 'BLOG_FB_PUBLISHER': '', 'BLOG_FB_TYPE': 'Article', 'BLOG_FB_TYPES': (('Article', 'Article'), ('Website', 'Website')), 'BLOG_FEATURED_POSTS_PLUGIN_NAME': 'Featured Posts', 'BLOG_FEATURED_POSTS_PLUGIN_NAME_CACHED': 'Featured Posts - Cache', 'BLOG_FEED_CACHE_TIMEOUT': 3600, 'BLOG_FEED_INSTANT_ITEMS': 50, 'BLOG_FEED_LATEST_ITEMS': 10, 'BLOG_FEED_TAGS_ITEMS': 10, 'BLOG_IMAGE_FULL_SIZE': {'crop': True, 'size': '640', 'upscale': False}, 'BLOG_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_SIZE': {'crop': True, 'size': '120x120', 'upscale': False}, 'BLOG_LATEST_ENTRIES_PLUGIN_NAME': 'Latest Blog Articles', 'BLOG_LATEST_ENTRIES_PLUGIN_NAME_CACHED': 'Latest Blog Articles - Cache', 'BLOG_LATEST_POSTS': 5, 'BLOG_LIVEBLOG_PLUGINS': ('LiveblogPlugin',), 'BLOG_MENU_EMPTY_CATEGORIES': True, 'BLOG_MENU_TYPES': (('complete', 'Categories and posts'), ('categories', 'Categories only'), ('posts', 'Posts only'), ('none', 'None')), 'BLOG_META_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH': 320, 'BLOG_META_IMAGE_SIZE': None, 'BLOG_META_TITLE_LENGTH': 70, 'BLOG_MULTISITE': True, 'BLOG_PAGINATION': 10, 'BLOG_PERMALINK_URLS': {'category': '<str:category>/<str:slug>/', 'full_date': '<int:year>/<int:month>/<int:day>/<str:slug>/', 'short_date': '<int:year>/<int:month>/<str:slug>/', 'slug': '<str:slug>/'}, 'BLOG_PLUGIN_MODULE_NAME': 'Blog', 'BLOG_PLUGIN_TEMPLATE_FOLDERS': (('plugins', 'Default template'),), 'BLOG_POSTS_LIST_TRUNCWORDS_COUNT': 100, 'BLOG_POST_TEXT_CKEDITOR': True, 'BLOG_SCHEMAORG_AUTHOR': 'get_author_schemaorg', 'BLOG_SCHEMAORG_TYPE': 'Blog', 'BLOG_SCHEMAORG_TYPES': (('Article', 'Article'), ('Blog', 'Blog'), ('WebPage', 'Page'), ('WebSite', 'WebSite'), ('Event', 'Event'), ('Product', 'Product'), ('Place', 'Place'), ('Person', 'Person'), ('Book', 'Book'), ('LocalBusiness', 'LocalBusiness'), ('Organization', 'Organization'), ('Review', 'Review')), 'BLOG_SITEMAP_CHANGEFREQ': (('always', 'always'), ('hourly', 'hourly'), ('daily', 'daily'), ('weekly', 'weekly'), ('monthly', 'monthly'), ('yearly', 'yearly'), ('never', 'never')), 'BLOG_SITEMAP_CHANGEFREQ_DEFAULT': 'monthly', 'BLOG_SITEMAP_PRIORITY_DEFAULT': '0.5', 'BLOG_TAGS_PLUGIN_NAME': 'Tags', 'BLOG_TWITTER_AUTHOR': 'get_author_twitter', 'BLOG_TWITTER_SITE': '', 'BLOG_TWITTER_TYPE': 'summary', 'BLOG_TWITTER_TYPES': (('summary', 'Summary Card'), ('summary_large_image', 'Summary Card with Large Image'), ('product', 'Product'), ('photo', 'Photo'), ('player', 'Player'), ('app', 'App')), 'BLOG_TYPE': 'Article', 'BLOG_TYPES': (('Article', 'Article'), ('Website', 'Website')), 'BLOG_UNICODE_SLUGS': True, 'BLOG_URLCONF': 'djangocms_blog.urls', 'BLOG_USE_ABSTRACT': True, 'BLOG_USE_FALLBACK_LANGUAGE_IN_URL': False, 'BLOG_USE_PLACEHOLDER': True, 'BLOG_USE_RELATED': True, 'BLOG_WIZARD_CONTENT_PLUGIN': 'TextPlugin', 'BLOG_WIZARD_CONTENT_PLUGIN_BODY': 'body'}¶
Per-apphook settings¶
- class djangocms_blog.cms_appconfig.BlogConfigForm(app_container, data=None, files=None, fields=(), exclude=(), *args, **kwargs)¶
Settings that can be changed per-apphook.
Their default value is the same as the corresponding Django settings, but it can be customized per each apphook and changed at runtime.
- app_title = 'Blog'¶
Free text title that can be used as title in templates
- default_image_full¶
Default size of full images
- default_image_thumbnail¶
Default size of thumbnail images
- default_published¶
Post published by default (default: DEFAULT_PUBLISHED)
- gplus_author¶ author name abstract field (default: SCHEMAORG_AUTHOR)
- gplus_type¶ object type (default: SCHEMAORG_TYPE)
- property media¶
Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.
Show empty categories in menu (default: MENU_EMPTY_CATEGORIES)
Menu structure (default:
- object_name = 'Article'¶
Free text label for Blog items in django CMS Wizard
- og_app_id¶
Facebook application ID (default: FB_PROFILE_ID)
- og_author_url¶
Facebook author URL (default: FB_AUTHOR_URL)
- og_profile_id¶
Facebook profile ID (default: FB_PROFILE_ID)
- og_publisher¶
Facebook page URL (default: FB_PUBLISHER)
- paginate_by¶
When paginating list views, how many articles per page? (default: PAGINATION)
- send_knock_create¶
Send notifications on post update. Require channels integration
- send_knock_update¶
Send notifications on post update. Require channels integration
- set_author¶
Set author by default (default: AUTHOR_DEFAULT)
- sitemap_changefreq¶
- sitemap_priority¶
Sitemap priority (default: SITEMAP_PRIORITY_DEFAULT)
- template_prefix¶
Alternative directory to load the blog templates from (default: “”)
- twitter_author¶
Twitter author handle (default: TWITTER_AUTHOR)
- twitter_site¶
Twitter site handle (default: TWITTER_SITE)
- twitter_type¶
Twitter type field (default: TWITTER_TYPE)
- url_patterns¶
Structure of permalinks (get_absolute_url); see AVAILABLE_PERMALINK_STYLES
- use_abstract¶
Use abstract field (default: USE_ABSTRACT)
- use_placeholder¶
Use placeholder and plugins for article body (default: USE_PLACEHOLDER)
Enable related posts (default: USE_RELATED)