Attaching blog to the home page

If you want to attach the blog to the home page you have to adapt settings a bit otherwise the “Just slug” permalink will swallow any CMS page you create.

To avoid this add the following settings to you project:

    ('full_date', _('Full date')),
    ('short_date', _('Year /  Month')),
    ('category', _('Category')),
    'full_date': r'^(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\d{1,2})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/(?P<slug>\w[-\w]*)/$',
    'short_date': r'^(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\d{1,2})/(?P<slug>\w[-\w]*)/$',
    'category': r'^(?P<category>\w[-\w]*)/(?P<slug>\w[-\w]*)/$',

Notice that the last permalink type is no longer present.

Then, pick any of the three remaining permalink types in the layout section of the apphooks config linked ot the home page (at’