
Admin classes

class djangocms_blog.admin.BlogCategoryAdmin(model, admin_site)

alias of CategoryAdminForm

get_prepopulated_fields(request, obj=None)

Hook for specifying custom prepopulated fields.

class djangocms_blog.admin.BlogConfigAdmin(model, admin_site)
get_fieldsets(request, obj=None)

Fieldsets configuration

save_model(request, obj, form, change)

Clear menu cache when changing menu structure

class djangocms_blog.admin.PostAdmin(model, admin_site)
_fieldset_extra_fields_position = {'abstract': (0, 1), 'author': (1, 1, 0), 'enable_liveblog': (2, 1, 2), 'post_text': (0, 1), 'related': (1, 1, 0), 'sites': (1, 1, 0)}

Indexes where to append extra fields.

Key: Supported extra / optional field name Value: None / 2 / 3 item tuple. If you want to hide the field in any case set None as dictionary value, otherwise use a tuple containing the index of the the “fields” attribute of the selected fieldset row and an optional third value if the target “fields” has subgroups.

_fieldsets = [(None, {'fields': ['title', 'subtitle', 'slug', 'publish', 'include_in_rss', ['categories', 'app_config']]}), (None, {'fields': [[]]}), ('Info', {'fields': ['tags', ['date_published', 'date_published_end', 'date_featured'], ['enable_comments']], 'classes': ('collapse',)}), ('Images', {'fields': [['main_image', 'main_image_thumbnail', 'main_image_full']], 'classes': ('collapse',)}), ('SEO', {'fields': [['meta_description', 'meta_title', 'meta_keywords']], 'classes': ('collapse',)})]

Default fieldsets structure.

Follow the normal Django fieldsets syntax.

When customizing the structure, check the _fieldset_extra_fields_position to ensure extra fields position matches.


Return the position in the fieldset where to add the given field.

_patch_fieldsets(fsets, field)

Patch the fieldsets list with additional fields, based on _fieldset_extra_fields_position.

_set_config_defaults(request, form, obj=None)

Cycle through app_config_values and sets the form value according to the options in the current apphook config.

self.app_config_values is a dictionary containing config options as keys, form fields as values:

app_config_values = {
    'apphook_config': 'form_field',
  • request – request object

  • form – model form for the current model

  • obj – current object


form with defaults set

disable_comments(request, queryset)

Bulk action to disable comments for selected posts. queryset must not be empty (ensured by django CMS).

disable_liveblog(request, queryset)

Bulk action to disable comments for selected posts. queryset must not be empty (ensured by django CMS).

enable_comments(request, queryset)

Bulk action to enable comments for selected posts. queryset must not be empty (ensured by django CMS).

enable_liveblog(request, queryset)

Bulk action to enable comments for selected posts. queryset must not be empty (ensured by django CMS).


alias of PostAdminForm

get_fieldsets(request, obj=None)

Customize the fieldsets according to the app settings

  • request – request

  • obj – post


fieldsets configuration


Return a sequence containing the fields to be displayed as filters in the right sidebar of the changelist page.

get_prepopulated_fields(request, obj=None)

Hook for specifying custom prepopulated fields.


Make sure the current language is selected.


The sites on which the user has permission on.

To return the permissions, the method check for the get_sites method on the user instance (e.g.: return request.user.get_sites()) which must return the queryset of enabled sites. If the attribute does not exists, the user is considered enabled for all the websites.


request – current request


boolean or a queryset of available sites


Customize the modeladmin urls


Whether the current user has permission on one site only


request – current request


boolean: user has permission on only one site

make_published(request, queryset)

Bulk action to mark selected posts as published. If the date_published field is empty the current time is saved as date_published. queryset must not be empty (ensured by django CMS).

make_unpublished(request, queryset)

Bulk action to mark selected posts as unpublished. queryset must not be empty (ensured by django CMS).

publish_post(request, pk)

Admin view to publish a single post

  • request – request

  • pk – primary key of the post to publish


Redirect to the post itself (if found) or fallback urls

save_model(request, obj, form, change)

Given a model instance save it to the database.

Given the HttpRequest, the parent ModelForm instance, the list of inline formsets and a boolean value based on whether the parent is being added or changed, save the related objects to the database. Note that at this point save_form() and save_model() have already been called.


A wrapper for creating create_instance function for a specific model.

Admin forms

class djangocms_blog.forms.CategoryAdminForm(*args, **kwargs)
property media

Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.

class djangocms_blog.forms.PostAdminForm(*args, **kwargs)
property media

Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.