
class djangocms_blog.views.AuthorEntriesView(**kwargs)

Get the context for this view.


Return the list of items for this view.

The return value must be an iterable and may be an instance of QuerySet in which case QuerySet specific behavior will be enabled.

view_url_name = 'djangocms_blog:posts-author'

The default view name used by get_view_url(), which should correspond with the view name in the URLConf.

class djangocms_blog.views.BaseBlogListView
class djangocms_blog.views.BaseBlogView

This method is used by the get_translated_url template tag.

By default, it uses the view_url_name to generate an URL. When the URL args and kwargs are translatable, override this function instead to generate the proper URL.


alias of Post


Apply select_related / prefetch_related to optimize the view queries :param qs: queryset to optimize :return: optimized queryset

class djangocms_blog.views.CategoryEntriesView(**kwargs)

Get the context for this view.


Return the list of items for this view.

The return value must be an iterable and may be an instance of QuerySet in which case QuerySet specific behavior will be enabled.

view_url_name = 'djangocms_blog:posts-category'

The default view name used by get_view_url(), which should correspond with the view name in the URLConf.

class djangocms_blog.views.PostArchiveView(**kwargs)

Get the context for this view.


Return the list of items for this view.

The return value must be an iterable and may be an instance of QuerySet in which case QuerySet specific behavior will be enabled.

view_url_name = 'djangocms_blog:posts-archive'

The default view name used by get_view_url(), which should correspond with the view name in the URLConf.

class djangocms_blog.views.PostDetailView(**kwargs)

Insert the single object into the context dict.


Return the QuerySet that will be used to look up the object.

This method is called by the default implementation of get_object() and may not be called if get_object() is overridden.


Return a list of template names to be used for the request. May not be called if render_to_response() is overridden. Return the following list:

  • the value of template_name on the view (if provided)

  • the contents of the template_name_field field on the object instance that the view is operating upon (if available)

  • <app_label>/<model_name><template_name_suffix>.html

view_url_name = 'djangocms_blog:post-detail'

The default view name used by get_view_url(), which should correspond with the view name in the URLConf.

class djangocms_blog.views.PostListView(**kwargs)
view_url_name = 'djangocms_blog:posts-latest'

The default view name used by get_view_url(), which should correspond with the view name in the URLConf.

class djangocms_blog.views.TaggedListView(**kwargs)

Get the context for this view.


Return the list of items for this view.

The return value must be an iterable and may be an instance of QuerySet in which case QuerySet specific behavior will be enabled.

view_url_name = 'djangocms_blog:posts-tagged'

The default view name used by get_view_url(), which should correspond with the view name in the URLConf.